FILMS OF ANY GENRES (global and local) CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY ISSUES ACCEPTED combined with independently produced films. Included in that mix are childrens issues, poverty, human rights, civil rights, LGBTQ, women's rights, third world struggles, environmental issues affecting communities.

THE 2024 COMMFFEST4 will celebrate 19 years  screening online and in movie theatres exhibition spaces, presented yearly by a group of dedicated volunteers. COMMFFEST a charitable corporation makes its home in one of Toronto’s most fast growing, economically diverse neighbourhood, Old Town Toronto and where many languages are spoken. 

New this season will be our screenplay competitions supervised by our Resident 30 year filmmaker writer director and producer Vladimir Bondarenko An instructor at Toronto Film school,

COMMFFEST is a film festival that showcases a broad range of local and international films representing communities on current affairs and relevant issues that affect our society. COMMFFEST provides opportunities for emerging filmmakers, artists, musicians and community stakeholders to express themselves freely and to connect with audiences on a more personal level. This unique blend of film, filmmakers and audiences creates a dynamic atmosphere to provoke thought and stimulate further understanding and exploration of ideas, attitudes, and emotions that can foster change – starting with the communities in which we live.

